Unlock over $1000 in annual savings through your credit card discounts and cashback offers.
Activate all offers and discounts with a breeze.
Browse personalized offers and start saving immediately.
Join thousands of smart shoppers who are already saving hundreds of dollars every year with Max Offers.
With Automated Offer Activation, you can kiss the manual work goodbye. Our Chrome/Firefox extension ensures the latest offers are automatically added to your cards, saving you time and maximizing your potential savings.
Link and manage all your credit cards in one place. Support for major card issuers including American Express, Chase, and more.
Say goodbye to manual activation. Our system automatically adds eligible offers to your cards as soon as they become available.
Get access to exclusive deals and offers through our merchant partnerships, maximizing your potential savings.
Receive tailored recommendations based on your spending patterns and card portfolio.
For any inquiries, reach out to us via email.